District Leadership Committee Report (2024)

These roles will be voted on at our upcoming District Council Meeting on Saturday May 18, 2024.

District Leadership Committee Report

The District Leadership Committee (DLC) has interviewed the following candidates and deemed that they are qualified and meet the guidelines for the positions for which they nominated.

District Director David Martin DTM
Program Quality Director (No candidate)
Club Growth Director

Vijay Sha

Stephan Barrie DTM

Bass Division Director Simon Meyer
Central Division Director Mark Reynolds DTM
Eastern Division Director

Rose Macdonald

Mani Vannan DTM

Metro Division Director Yvonne Gluyas DTM
Northern Division Director (no candidate)​
Ranges Division Director (no candidate)
Southern Division Director Alex Stemate

Candidates who were not endorsed by the DLC, or submitted a nomination after the closing date, may stand from the floor at the District Council Meeting in May as floor candidates for incomplete positions only.

Should you be interested in nominating for these District Leadership roles, it is a requirement to complete the paperwork, meet the eligibility criteria, and send your nomination to the DLC Chair, Namrita Anchan, at , before the 11th May.

A member cannot stand from the floor if the appropriate paperwork has not been correctly completed and submitted by 11th May 2024.

A Candidate Showcase over Zoom event has been scheduled for Saturday 11th May 2024. This event is an opportunity to join and hear candidates answer select questions applied to each of the roles. Members will have the chance to assess each candidate before voting at the District Council Meeting.

As a District Council Member, please resister and ensure you attend the upcoming District Council Meeting on 18th May 2024 at 15:00 AEST. By attending and casting your vote, you will have a say in who is elected to District Leadership positions in 2024-25. You can register for the District Council Meeting via https://d73toastmasters.org/events_calendar/

Congratulations to all the endorsed candidates on behalf of myself and the District. We wish you well.

Further information, including Biographies and photographs of endorsed candidates, are below on this page.

In concluding my report, I wish to sincerely thank the following members of the District Leadership Committee for their time, assistance and commitment to this process:

  • David Hughes DTM (Bass Division)
  • Darrell Klar DTM (Central Division)
  • Heath Gilham (Eastern Division)
  • Vicki Travers DTM (Metro Division)
  • Darryl O’Reilly (Northern Division)
  • Marlene Sinclair DTM (Ranges Division)
  • Phil Reed DTM (D90 Past District Director)
  • Amit Merwar (Southern Division)


Namrita Anchan DTM IPDD
D73 District Leadership Chair 2023-2024

— Candidates 2024 —

District Director

David Martin DTM

David Martin DTM

Club Growth Director

Vijay Sha

Vijay Sha

Stephan Barrie DTM

Stephan Barrie DTM

BASS Division Director

Simon Meyer

Simon Meyer

Central Division Director

Mark Reynolds DTM

Mark Reynolds DTM

Eastern Division Director

Rose Macdonald

Rose Macdonald

Mani Vannan DTM

Mani Vannan DTM

View biography

METRO Division Director

Yvonne Gluyas DTM

Yvonne Gluyas DTM

View biography

Southern Division Director

Alex Stemate

Alex Stemate

Interested in nominating for a district role?

Should you be interested in nominating for any of the District leadership roles, it is a requirement to complete the paperwork, meet the eligibility criteria, and send your nomination to the DLC Chair Namrita Anchan DTM () and District Director Kevin Broughton DTM ().

A member cannot stand from the floor if the appropriate paperwork has not been correctly completed and submitted by 11th May 2024.

All candidates can send 2 campaign messages to the district, please check the guidelines in Protocol 9.6 before sending out any communication. https://www.toastmasters.org/leadership-central/governing-documents