Can’t attend convention in Chicago?
Why not attend a contest viewing party hosted by Silver Service Toastmasters instead!
Come and see the best of the best, including our very own Benjamin MacEllen
Enjoy afternoon tea, convention table topics and trivia and enjoy the party!
When: Sunday 26th August 2.00 – 5.00 pm
Where: The Buckingham International Motor Inn
1130 Nepean Highway, Highett
(Parking available and close to Highett Station)
Cost – $17 for afternoon tea (drinks also available at bar prices)
Virtual screening provided by District 73
To register – Please email Robyn at
Please pay by Wednesday 21st August to our club account (limited to 45 attendees)
Bendigo Bank – Silver Service Toastmasters
BSB: 633-000 Account No. 1422 93497