by Viranga Ratnaike
D73 News wants to become more aware of the diverse interests and expertise held by clubs and individual toastmasters in District 73. We are requesting insight into what you find useful and interesting.
D73 News initially requests insight into what would be of interest to you, possibly including but not limited to:
- free public speaking tutorials and courses;
- clubs with specialist communication interests;
- public speaking paths outside or overlapping Toastmasters; and
- different media, applications, and means by which we can inform each other.
Share your impressions of free public speaking courses available via both edX and Coursera. Reveal how public speaking helps in science, charity, finance, and other specialist contexts. Let us know of your experiences in another public speaking organisation (such as Professional Speakers Australia or the Australian Fairy Tale Society). Share your expertise in using technology to deliver or enhance speeches.
Note that items like these examples are in addition to district news, club news, upcoming events, leadership and speaking opportunities, and requests for help (such as this one).
Especially requested are items whose very existence or possibility exceed this newsletter’s imagination.
Please contact Viranga at to share your ideas and knowledge.