Here’s an amazing opportunity if you’re new to Toastmasters and looking to improve your skills.
Nola Sharp (one of our District’s most experienced Toastmasters) and her team are running an orientation night for new Toastmasters. This is designed to be a fun and relaxed evening where you can learn more about what awaits you in Toastmasters!!!
You will learn – and have fun at the same time! Invite your Toastmasters friends and make a night of it!
It’s being held at Wandin CFA which means you’ll get to enjoy a lovely drive to the Yarra Valley. Here are the details:
When: Tuesday May 8th 2018
Time: 7.30 – 9.00 pm
Where: Wandin CFA
Sounds like the perfect night!
The station is on the corner of Warburton Hwy and Clegg Rd, Wandin. It’s next to the only roundabout in town. Parking is available in the adjacent football ground.
Please RSVP by the 30th of April to Nola Sharp by emailing HERE. You can also download the flyer below.