Ha’s workshop How Your Face Communicates is on Thursday 23 March. Registrations start at 5:45PM. The workshop will run from 6PM to 7:30PM at NAB, 500 Bourke St, Melbourne.
Ha has created this workshop and the activities to help participants assess their own facial expressions. She will walk you from basic through to advanced level facial expressions, and show you how to use them to connect more authentically with your audience. This will enable you to create a much more effective and powerful message. Ha has designed this workshop to also be highly interactive and practical to maximise learning outcomes.
Tickets are $22.25 for Toastmasters and $32.70 for non Toastmasters (both are inclusive of the provider transaction fee) with the aim to raise money for one participant to attend the 2017 D73 Annual Convention. Surplus funds will be donated to support the Convention.
Reserve your place here: https://www.picatic.com/event14812550355524
See testimonials here: http://www.littlefeats.biz/testimonials.html (best viewed using Google Chrome).