Excitement is mounting as District Leader Training is only an hour away. Spent last night sharing the company of Region 12 representatives who’ve made it Nashville – Drop in’s from lots of celebrities I’ve only ever seen on Zoom. The likes of Matt Kinsey, Richard Peck, Mike and Lesley Storkey, have already met some of the candidates being voted on at the ABM and you can feel the energy starting to grow.
The venue is huge – internal gardens and a river boat ride and dozens of places to eat on the run or sit down. So far my biggest difficulty has been walking on the right side of the path, and remembering everyone expects a tip – and the evaluation sandwich just doesn’t cut it.
Registration starts 7am, with a breakfast – and then the day is filled from 8am to 5.45pm with training sessions. If you thought our DOT and COT were too much, try these subject matter focus: Achieving the District Mission, Forming Strong Connections, Leading a Team of Leaders, Managing Healthy Conflict, and The Path to Distinguished.
Catching up with Zoom friends in person and discussing strategies and all things Toastmasters is already tremendous fun – and the official proceedings haven’t even started yet. I also look forward to connecting online with those joining virtually for the Convention (https://www.toastmasters.org/events/2022-international-convention/registration).
Kevin Broughton DTM
Program Quality Director 2022-23