“No one can deny that these are difficult times” (Bonus points if you know what musical the line is from).
The world as we know it is no longer and the science fiction of my youth seems to have become reality (minus the flying cars from the Jetsons). While this creates anxiety and confusion we should really see it as a time of opportunity. For example, as Table Topics Master for tonight, I’ve had the opportunity to brainstorm with others (while social distancing, on the phone) who normally would be busy at work. Rather than looking on what is going on as a drawback and a withdrawal from society let’s all use the opportunity to build closer connections and empower ourselves. Think how much you will gain in confidence and self-worth in gaining new skills.
We are incredibly lucky that we are living in the time we are, and we have access to each other through technology. Whether you have a smartphone, tablet or computer you have the ability to connect with your fellow toastmasters. Clubs across the world are turning to online meetings which provide a great opportunity for us as Toastmasters to gain and learn from others. Although it is a different experience than heading to your regular club meeting that does not mean that you will not be able to get many of the things you gain from a meeting (except for the hugs and the handshakes). For many of us we are in uncharted territory and it is alright to feel uncertain and hesitant in being asked to embrace this new way of being. Rather than feeling isolated, I am surrounding myself with constructive and positive people. People that want to learn, embrace their humanity and recognise what is important in life. We live in a world where many of us are constantly on the go, we have children and grandchildren to manage, work, social obligations, meetings of all sorts. This enforced isolation provides the opportunity to slow down.
Use this time wisely.
Danielle Jones-Resnick
D73 Public Relations Manager