Education for All

from the ‘District 73 Education and Training team’

What are YOU doing on the 3rd Friday of each month?

Enjoy the Educational delights we have in store tailored for you to support your Toastmaster experience!



Hosts: Kevin Broughton DTM PQD,

CoChairs: Sue Pederick DTM PDD & Graeme Dunlop,

Education team: Christina Barbonio & Michael Clancy DTM


All sessions begin with a 1hr drop in- Open Q & A

followed by a theme for the night (2hrs)

Calendar of themed events below



D73 Education and Training Co-Chairs

Sue Pederick DTM PDD, Graeme Dunlop



Save the date

Friday December 16th

D73 Online

‘Quiz night’

Join as a team or Individually

Zoom Link:

Hosted by

Graeme Dunlop

 Our D73

Master of the Quiz Universe!!


Sue Pederick DTM PDD & Graeme Dunlop
Education & Training Co-Chairs 2022-23