The Southern Cross Blog

Stay informed with news, articles and tips from the District 73 team.

Looking for ways to get your step count up?

Our most prominent activity since 2020 has been moving in and out of lockdowns. But I hear that's not enough to get your heart rate up. In our fight to keep COVID-19 at bay, we've seen multiple lockdowns, which tend to beat our morale. Then, the first thing to take a...

What does a strong leader look like?

When considering what strong leadership looks like, there are a few qualities of a great leader that tend to be true across the board.  Today we've listed down ten of them for you. Become a great leader. These are traits that every good leader has or should strive...

How to Overcome Our Fear of the Unknown?

Fear of the unknown is natural. Negative events do happen in all our lives and create mental blocks. It is these mental blocks that influence the way in which we live our life and can have a detrimental impact on us. Former South African president and civil rights...

Core Values of A Successful Leader

What are leadership values? Simply put, it's an individual's personal values. Whether you are an aspiring leader or a leader that is looking to refresh your leadership skills, here are some considerably basic but crucial attributes which will help you stay your true...

Don’t wait. Come along and join us for a Toastmasters meeting.