The Southern Cross Blog

Stay informed with news, articles and tips from the District 73 team.

DEMO Meetings – Help Needed!

Can you help at a DEMO meeting? Demonstration meetings are memorable occasions that often herald the birth of new clubs. Most clubs owe their existence to a group of people who came together to hold a demo meeting. Bruce Hill is seeking assistance for a number of...

Do you love Quiz Nights?

Kerry van der Veen is organising a quiz night in Central Division to raise funds for next year’s annual convention—and she would love it if you could attend! ‘People can just buy one ticket if they want,’ Kerry says. ‘Or you can get a table of ten together. The more...

District 73 2018 Convention Winner

Congratulations Hobart! Woohoo!   Hobart have won the bid to have the District 73 2018 Convention A big thank you for the sterling effort done so far! Save the Dates – Friday 18 to Sunday 20 May 2018 Stay tuned for more information

Creativity for Everybody

Everyone is creative. Fire up your creative spark at this exciting, interactive workshop with Toastmaster and creativity coach Louise Riseley. This workshop will explore: • What is creativity? • Where do ideas come from? (and how to get more of them) • How to turn a...

Don’t wait. Come along and join us for a Toastmasters meeting.