The Southern Cross Blog
Stay informed with news, articles and tips from the District 73 team.
DLT Series: 5 Lessons I Learnt As Part of The District Team
As part of our District Leadership Team or DLT Series, today we hear it from our Finance Manager (2020-21), Christine Dimitros DTM.Christine has been a part of the DLT in various capacities over the years and maintains a treasure trove of experience. Today, she shares...
How Does Toastmasters Help Improve Your Social Skills?
Social Skills are not a part of the Toastmasters curriculum. But, by virtue of being an extremely supportive and uplifting community, it provides plenty of opportunities to practice and acquire social skills. Here we have listed a few to begin with. Would you agree?...
How To Deal With Stage Fear?
Stage Fear or fear of public speaking or performance, takes a huge toll on self-confidence and self-esteem. Sadly, some people leave school or a job or a promotion only because of this fear. Many, including some seasoned professional performers, are victims of this...
Do Leaders Need Motivation?
Yes, very much! Here are some ways leaders keep themselves motivated to stay put. Thoughts? How do you keep yourself motivated? This is how leaders motivate themselves.
Why You Must Participate In Speech Contests
It is September 2020 and we are well into the Toastmasters contest season. And, if you are one of those who can't decide whether to participate in a contest or no then here's some help - Thoughts? For those who have participated in a speech contest, what was biggest...
Why Leaders Must Be Readers
Harry S Truman, 33rd President of the United States, said, “Not all readers become leaders, but all leaders are readers.” The leadership benefits of reading are wide-ranging. If you want to lead, here’s how you can benefit from reading Readers are more likely to be...
Tips To Better Impromptu Speaking
Speaking off the cuff can be terrifying, and more people than we can imagine struggle with it. But the good news is that extempore skills can be acquired over time, with practice. Below are some ways to calm your nerves and give our best when asked to speak off the...
DLT Series: What Do You Expect To Learn In Your New Role?
"If I am able to learn the 3As and help my team adapt these too, it will be one of my biggest learning experiences," Namrita Anchan, D73 CGD 2020-21 In continuation with our District Leadership Team (DLT) Series, our Club Growth Director (CGD), Namrita Anchan, tells...
DLT Series: 3 Things I Learnt As The District Director
As part of our District Leadership Team (DLT) Series, our Immediate Past District Director (IPDD), Sue Pederick DTM, shares 3 lessons she learnt as our District Director 2019-2020. We are sure this is just the tip of the iceberg, and Sue has many more to share. Till...
Don’t wait. Come along and join us for a Toastmasters meeting.