Have you ever dreamed of fame and fortune? Have you ever wanted to be loved by millions? Have you ever wanted to grace the pages of a District 73 calendar?
If the answer is yes, maybe or no – read on!
Our first ever District 73 Calendar is being produced, and we want photos of your club, area or division members to adorn its pages. This is a fun and crazy project where we want you to submit photos where people are dressed up (or down) for events, anniversary of holiday.
You remember that last club Christmas party? Or Halloween? Or that outing your club went on? Or that area contest where the winners went wild while displaying their certificates? Send us those pics and they’ll appear in the calendar. (Make certain you get everyone’s permission. They might not appreciate it if you send us a picture where you’re not showing their best side.)
Send your pictures HERE by the 30th of November. Proceeds from the calendar will go to next year’s convention where the theme is Speak of the Devil.